regular_costs #5

jlusiardi merged 19 commits from regular_costs into master 2021-06-18 20:20:13 +02:00
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jlusiardi added 19 commits 2021-06-18 20:19:32 +02:00
Changes to debian9_python3 image because of outdated setup tools
Fixed a typo as well
Pitstops are now ordered by ascending odometer value instead of
their id
Pitstops must keep the order of date and odometer. That means if
a pitstop's date is between two other pitstops' date than the
odometer values must be as well.
The form now uses the new odometer_date_check to allow entering
pitstops that are before the currently last pitstop.
services are now ordered by ascending odometer value instead of
their id
On creation, the tupels of date and odometer are checked that
the service or pitstop does not violate the ordering in.
adds a delete button to each service/pitstop
The service description was lost on any input error in the forms
for create and edit.
not only the last pit stop can be edited and deleted.
The event that was edited should not limit the dates and
odometers for the update.
jlusiardi merged commit 3d0bb8c83f into master 2021-06-18 20:20:13 +02:00
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Reference: jlusiardi/rollerverbrauch#5
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