81 lines
2.7 KiB
81 lines
2.7 KiB
from flask_wtf import Form
from wtforms import DateField, IntegerField, DecimalField, StringField, SelectField, SubmitField
from wtforms.validators import ValidationError, Length
from datetime import date
def date_check(form, field):
if field.data < form.last_pitstop.date:
raise ValidationError('The new date must not be before %s' % form.last_pitstop.date)
if field.data > date.today():
raise ValidationError('The new date must not be after %s' % date.today())
def odometer_check(form, field):
if field.data <= form.last_pitstop.odometer:
raise ValidationError('The new odometer value must be higher than %i km' % form.last_pitstop.odometer)
def litres_check(form, field):
if field.data is not None and field.data <= 0:
raise ValidationError('You must fuel at least 0.1 l')
def costs_check(form, field):
if field.data is not None and field.data <= 0:
raise ValidationError('Costs must be above 0.01 €.')
def edit_costs_check(form, field):
costs_check_required = (form.costs.default is not None and form.costs.default > 0)
if costs_check_required and field.data is not None and field.data <= 0:
raise ValidationError('Costs must be above 0.01 €.')
class SelectVehicleForm(Form):
vehicle = SelectField('Vehicle', coerce=int)
submit = SubmitField(label='Do it!')
class CreatePitstopForm(Form):
date = DateField('Date of Pitstop', validators=[date_check])
odometer = IntegerField('Odometer (km)', validators=[odometer_check])
litres = DecimalField('Litres (l)', places=2, validators=[litres_check])
costs = DecimalField('Costs (€, overall)', places=2, validators=[costs_check])
submit = SubmitField(label='Do it!')
last_pitstop = None
def set_pitstop(self, last_pitstop):
self.last_pitstop = last_pitstop
class EditVehicleForm(Form):
name = StringField('Name', validators=[Length(1, 255)])
submit = SubmitField(label='Do it!')
class DeleteVehicleForm(Form):
submit = SubmitField(label='Do it!')
class DeleteAccountForm(Form):
submit = SubmitField(label='Really delete my account!')
class DeletePitStopForm(Form):
submit = SubmitField(label='Really delete this pitstop!')
class EditPitstopForm(Form):
date = DateField('Date of Pitstop', validators=[date_check])
odometer = IntegerField('Odometer (km)', validators=[odometer_check])
litres = DecimalField('Litres (l)', places=2, validators=[litres_check])
costs = DecimalField('Costs (€, overall)', places=2, validators=[edit_costs_check])
submit = SubmitField(label='Update it!')
last_pitstop = None
def set_pitstop(self, last_pitstop):
self.last_pitstop = last_pitstop