Vehicle names now must be only unique per owner, not globally. Also errors are displayed to the forms on creation and edit of vehicles. |
app | ||
.gitignore | || | ||
Dockerfile | ||
icon_orig.png | || |
How to build & run
docker build --tag=$(basename $PWD) .
general configuration
Look at app/config/* for the configuration of the parameters required for sending emails. Copy the file as to a folder that will serve as configuration directory and fill in the information. The directory will be used as volume during container operation.
start database
docker run --name pitstops_db -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=$SOMESECUREPASSWORD$ -e MYSQL_DATABASE=pitstops -d mysql:latest
run in development
Include the development version of the code as volume, so the app gets reloaded automatically. The sqlite file will be stored in tmp so it can be inspected with tools like sqlite3. The switch DEBUG enables debugging during development.
docker run --rm --name rollerverbrauch -ti -v $PWD/app:/app -v $PWD/../rollerverbrauch_config:/app/config -v /tmp/pitstops/:/data -e DEBUG=True -p 5000:5000 rollerverbrauch
run in production
docker run --name pitstops -d -v /data/pitstops/:/data -v /configs/pitstops/:/app/config -p 80:5000 rollerverbrauch