* **body_size**(optional, defaults to 1MB) the allowed maximal body size as defined in http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_core_module.html#client_max_body_size
* **auth_data**(optional, defaults to none) If set, the value must be constructed like `Realm;Username;Password` e.g. `SecretWebsite;admin;$apr1$RR/RTfI.$s7mRx/yKay7g3Jxmg/eMT/`. The crypted password can be created with `htpasswd`: ` htpasswd -n -b admin supersecret`. **Note**: If used in with docker-compose, the `$` must be doubled: `SecretWebsite;admin;$$apr1$$RR/RTfI.$$s7mRx/yKay7g3Jxmg/eMT/`
That means that the container exposes all Web Apps on all IPs. Do **not** use the *ip* option from above on the target containers. The *PROXY_DATA* environment variables would be something like
This option is used if your Docker Host has multiple IPs (perhaps a public IP in the internet and a private IP on a VPN). It is possible to expose some Web Apps only to the private network.
One container must be started for each IP that should host Web Apps. For example, if there is a public IP of and a private IP, then 2 Containers would be started:
`docker run --name auto_proxy_public -d -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -p docker_nginx_auto_proxy`